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Month: August 2019

Levinarium, No.

The dominant of the 1930-1932 Constructivist Electric Power Station is seen from far away. Scan attentively the area of the date: by some inexplicable coincidence the 1920s Soviet coat…

Levinarium, No.

Happoradio is one more boy-band to certainly impress you. The track is entitled Che Guevara, and it is a provocative click bait. Their unusual videos and energizing…

Levinarium, No.

There is a stereotype that “France is famous for its chansonniers”. The French themselves do not seem to be flattered by that compliment. –Mais c’est…

Levinarium, No.

László Benkő of the Hungarian Omega is such a multi-faceted musician that he has had a bunch of successful solo projects, and one of them is in the…

Секретарь повседневности. Август 2019, выпуск

19 августа 2019. Минск, Беларусь. Без комментариев. Минское епархиальное управление, 1985. А.Ч. Впервые опубликовано в телеграм-канале “Секретарь повседневности” (ныне закрыт и удален)

Levinarium, No.

Hope your Sunday is worth its name: sunny. If not, let’s start it with some passionate Catalan fire. Els Catarres and Manel are from Barcelona, but they conquered…