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Levinarium, No.

Hope your Sunday is worth its name: sunny.

If not, let’s start it with some passionate Catalan fire.

Els Catarres and Manel are from Barcelona, but they conquered thousands of hearts even outside their own region.

Manel is very lyrical, and his “Ai, Dolors” is probably his main tune. The love is about to be over, and even if we both know that we’ll soon forget about each other, let’s dance. And what else would you expect in Barcelona?

Va, Dolors, que avui serem dos nens grans,
res de tonteries, res de ser especials. 

Un, dos, tres, un, dos, tres, txa-txa-txà, 
taló-punta, taló–punta i torna a començar.

Hey Dolores, let’s understand that we both are nothing but adult children, nothing special, heel – toe, heel – toe, one two three, cha-cha-cha, and let’s start all over again.

Els Catarres are an indie band with a very distinct sound.

Hey! Avui el món és teu,
la vida no s’espera
Pren impuls

Hey, just accept that the world is yours, the life doesn’t want to wait, just take the impulse…

English titles: Els Catarres “The World Is Yours”
Manel “Oh Dolores”
Original titles (Catalan): Els Catarres “El món és teu”
Manel “Ai, Dolors”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)