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Levinarium, No.

Russian Original: “Обыкновенное чудо”, 1978 — Марк Захаров по пьесе Евгения Шварца
(In English: “An Ordinary Miracle”, 1978 — Mark Zaķarov after the play by Jevgienij Švarc)

Coming to Kolpino means to revisit the classics and see it under a different angle.

“An Ordinary Miracle” was on the plan last night, and, already in my adult age, I finally understood why the Wizard, at a certain point, started being reluctant to help the Bear see the Princess once again, and then was shocked to see him appear on the threshold despite his ban to do so.

This is what you understand when you yourself start writing one day: you may have hundreds of plans how to develop the plot, but the fact is that the material will start resisting little by little, and all you will have to do is to let things go. Your characters start living their own lives on your pages. Although you print your name beside the title afterwards, you are no longer the master of what you have just done.

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)