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Levinarium, No.

Leroy Anderson was the first to use the typewriter as a solo instrument, but being the first doesn’t necessarily mean the best.

Alo Mattiisen died suspiciously young (1961-1995), but he was one of the most promising Estonian composers. His name is closely related to the Singing Revolution and the Baltic Way when the three states regained independence in 1990-1991.

One of his songs was sung by everyone thus becoming the symbol of liberty, but his earlier work, In Spe: Concerto in D for a typewriter and orchestra is by far more interesting.

He interprets the typewriter not as a joke, but as a dramatic instrument, deploying the tissue of a three-part classical solo-instrument concerto.

Original title (Latin): Alo Mattiisen “In Spe”, 1985

His other experiments in the domain of the electronic music (side B of the original LP) are also worth attention. Attached is the link to the full original album.

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)