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Levinarium, No.

I guess very few heard of Egotrippi, nevertheless, they are among the most prolific guys on the Finnish rock stage.

Matkustaja” (“Traveler”) starts with a rock ballad hammering piano chords into the listener’s ears. Little by little everything crawls on to the two main tracks, Nos 2 and 3, with their falsetto chant, so recognizable in Egotrippi’s style.

This one is just brilliant: you listen to it over and over again and you realize that the melody is stuck in your head like an obsession. Along with the text.

Hei älä koskaan ikinä muutu,
Pysy aina tuollaisena kuin nyt oot.

Hey, never ever change, just freeze the way you are now.

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)