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Levinarium, No.

Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote his poem “The Flying Proletarian” in mid 1920s, and 40 years after, in 1962, it was visualized in a somewhere ironical way, in the form of the cartoon with the same title (written and directed by Joseph Boyarsky, Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Alexander Galich).

All proletarians are geniuses, they no longer walk on foot and work 4 hours a day.

“Haut-relief puppets”, as they were nicknamed shortly after the premiere, live in the world of architectural blueprints and fantastic devices.

Strangely enough, most realities might remind us of what we have in 2010s: people interacting mostly online or selectively face-to-face, life-long approach to education, digital applications controlling everyday (including work and study) life.

English title: “The Flying Proletarian”
Original title (Russian): “Летающий пролетарий”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)