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Levinarium, No.

Russian original: Остров сокровищ, 1988
(In English: “The Treasure Island”, 1988)

By some strange coincidence we decided to watch “The Treasure Island“, 1988 Soviet movie in mixed technique (animation + film), once again.

I think I was 14-16 when I saw it for the last time in its entirety.

Now, when adult, I realized all of a sudden that the movie is not for kids at all (although they do love it anyway, being attracted to crazy images and sounds).

This is actually a satirical interpretation of all the Soviet cinema history, starting mute movies of the 1910s and ending 1980s when this masterpiece was created.

(Full text of R.L. Stevenson’s original English oeuvre is also attached.)

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)