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Levinarium, No.

Three in one this time as it can be done in the frame of a one-day trip.

Volķov is famous for its Hydroelectric Power Station giving electricity to Saint Petersburg even nowadays. Constructivism, by Heinrich Graftio, 1926-1927, the plant seems to be floating over the Volķov river not touching its surface.

Staraja Ladoga, despite the newly rebuilt fortress (753 according to the Chronicles, remade in 1965-1971), still has several Pre-Mongolian churches.

Novaja Ladoga is famous for its kitchy hut which is claimed to be the only wooden house in Russia with round windows.

Russia, Leningradskaja oblastj
a. Volķov, rieka Volķov, ulica Graftio 6, Hydroelectric Power Station
b. Staraja Ladoga, St. Nicholas Monastery and Staroladožskij Sviato-Uspienskij Monastyrj (Assumption Monastery of Staraja Ladoga)
c. Novaja Ladoga, ulica Novyj Kanal 6

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)