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Levinarium, No.

Will be exploring Rostov-Vielikij in just less than an hour. Time to talk about some good resources on local histories and architectures.

It’s usually not an easy matter to find something really precious and relevant. Something written professionally. In most cases I act like a venture capital financier: buying books and then giving them away.

But what remains is here, among my recommendation cards.

Consider these books before setting on a journey to Sochi, Moscow or Saint Petersburg / Pskov regions. (Hope to find something valuable and consistent on Rostov.)

* Very precious architectural guide to Moscow constructivism by Vasiljev, Jevstratova, Ovsiannikova, Panin
Heck’s Pictorial Archive of Art and Architecture: marvelous collection of tables detailing most significant buildings
Zelenogorsk / Terijoki: by Bravo and Travina, it’s a fantastic intro to the country life of an unduly ignored suburb of Saint Petersburg where the “capital” of the marionette “Finnish Democratic Republic” would later sit in 1939
Izborsk: written by the museum workers of the fortress
Koporye: written by the museum workers of the fortress
Country Houses of Sochi by Natalja Zaķarova: they are not to be underestimated either, their art-nouveau wooden architecture is amazing

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)