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Levinarium, No.

Walking the Streets of Moscow (“Я шагаю по Москве”, 1963) revealed itself more than a naïve movie to me.

The last year of the Thaw: its hopes that did not come true and were drowned in Brezhnev’s Stagnation. 

Film by Georgij Danelija, Gennadij Špalikov, full of light-hearted adventures in the Moscow that we will never see again. Music by Andrej Pietrov.

Two boys meet on a sunny summer day in Moscow, and…

Мелькнёт в толпе знакомое лицо
Весёлые глаза
А в них блестит Садовое кольцо
А в них бежит Садовое кольцо
И летняя гроза.

(A face you know so well will suddenly appear in the crowd, eyes smiling merrily, where the Garden Ring and a summer thunderstorm are sparkling.)

English title: Walking the Streets of Moscow, 1963
Original title (Russian): Я шагаю по Москве, 1963

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)