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Levinarium, No.

Lavon Volski is indefatigable despite the oppression excercised upon him by the Belarus government (and personally Lukašenko).

His animated rock project “Saūka dy Gryška” (“Savka and Grishka“) will be just perfect to understand present-day Belarus.

Lavon Volski is one of the very few who still uses the Belarusian language in its refined literary form. Satire will amplify the impression.

In 2019, Belarus welcomed some strange and opaque “European Games”. Why hasn’t anyone heard of them? Ah, here’s the explanation, for whom they were actually organized.

На трыбунах камандзіры –
Лукашэнкі і Кадыраў,
І дачка Аліева зь Мядзьведзевым.

Commandoes are standing on the bleachers: Lukašenko, Kadyrov, Aliev’s daughter with Medvedev.

The videos contain Belarussian subtitles.

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)