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Levinarium, No.

Today: Andrés Calamaro (b. 1961), scandalous and contradictory Argentine rock singer and poet with his “Parte de adelante“, arguably one of the most erotic and provocative texts ever sung from the stage.

cargando imagen a tu lado estoy mi vida
mañana será un nuevo punto de partida
soy vagabundo de tu lado mas profundo
por un segundo de tu cuerpo doy el mundo
(I’m at your side, my dear, carrying your image. Tomorrow will be a new point of departure. I’m the vagabond of your most profound side, and for one second of your body, I’d give the world.)

Do you have anyone so loved and adored to sing such things to? 😉

English title: Andrés Calamaro “The Front Side”
Original title (Spanish): Andrés Calamaro “La parte de adelante”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)