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Levinarium, No. Mežujev (b. 1933), philosopher, is one of my most impressive recent discoveries. Attached here is the article I’ve just finished reading on the troubles of socialism – with a detailed analysis of what transformations and interpretations the concept is currently going through, how it is misused and misunderstood.

Mežujev mostly publishes his works in scientific magazines not bothering to make a comprehensive collection in the form of a hard-cover book. Which, I daresay, would benefit to the broader audience. But he unfortunately still remains known only to a restricted circle of professionals and activists.

К сожалению, такова судьба многих идей, попадавших на неподготовленную для них почву. В истории было пролито немало крови во имя самых возвышенных, но неверно понятых или ложно истолкованных идей. Призывы к свободе приводили к анархии и насилию, <…> стремление к равенству – к нетерпимости ко всякой яркойиндивидуальности.
This is, unfortunately the fate of many ideas falling into the bad and unprepared soil. Throughout the entire history a lot of blood was spilt for the sake of the most refined, but incorrectly interpreted ideas. Calls for freedom used to turn into anarchy and violence, <…> striving for equality used to turn into intolerance to any bright individuality.

English title: Vadim Mežujev “Socialism as Cultural Space”
Original title (Russian): Вадим Межуев “Социализм – пространство культуры”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)