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Levinarium, No.

I apologize. But Žadan is really talented beyond all expectations.

Can’t say what is more impressive in his case: his harsh voice, his specific manner of reciting the texts, simple melodies sounding nevertheless non-trivially and powerfully, or his poetic talent.

Рушаємо, Ребе, нічною залізницею –
Вночі вокзали пахнуть смертю і корицею.
Жінки лягають спати з духами-іконами
Давай вибиратися товарними вагонами.

Вантаж у вагони свою параною,
За чорним утомленим Сатаною,
Пропащі душі, спотворені лиця,
Куди нас вивезе наша залізниця?

Rabbi, let’s sneak away by midnight railroad, the stations at night smell of death and cinnamon. Women go to sleep with diabolic icons, let’s sneak away in the freight cars…

Load your paranoia into the freight cars, just behind the weary Satan, lost souls, disfigured faces. Where will our railroad take us?

English title: Serhij Žadan “Rabbi”
Original title (Ukrainian): Сергій Жадан “Ребе”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)