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Levinarium, No.

After I got acquainted with “Jadan and the Dogs”, I am definitely their fan: they follow and develop “Leningrad‘s” aesthetics of showing brutal reality through the mirror of black humor, in form of a short film (7-8 mins), where the keys to the national characters and secrets are stored under I don’t know what pressure.

It’s time to revisit the classics and compare the stylistics and the topics.

Leningrad: “Health Promotion” (27.10.2015)
Leningrad: “In Piter We Drink” (30.04.2016)
Jadan and the Dogs: “Booze” (16.10.2017)

No political correctness, no tact, nothing. Just as it is: “Accept, or fuck off”, that’s what their attitude says. Taboo and slang rub shoulders with exquisite and catchy turns of phrase.

And yes, in Jadan‘s “Booze”, the chess game scene with glasses instead of figures really stole the show.

Original titles (Russian and Ukrainian): Ленинград “ЗОЖ”, “В Питере пить”
Жадан i Собаки “Бухло”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)