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Levinarium, No.

Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbska rěčhornjoserbšćinaверхнелужицкий) has only about 20k native speakers, but they still have thriving culture and even quality rock.

JankaHanka are just fantastic. Never mind that the clip is a bit predictable, but the music and the sound of the language make everything worth the effort.

1000 dušny kadla

Ja sym tawzynt dušny kadla, mi njech nichtón njepřindźe; dźesać toler mam ja w zaku, tajke mólčke cyrkwinske.

Ja sym wulki muzikanta na lik a na škorodej; štóž mje duč a škrabać słyši, tomy wěsće derje njej.

Ja sym wuwołany lěkar, krej wam pušćam z njebozom, ze serkercom jětra šćěpju, zuby torham z kopołom.

Jako njepřećel wot potu chodźu tež na murjerstwo. Tam ja kurjo klepam, klepam – klepam, klepam, klep, klep klep.

Original title (Upper Sorbian): JankaHanka “1000 dušny kadla”

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)