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Levinarium, No.

“Welcome to Tilly-Milly-Land” (“Трям! Здравствуйте!”; 1980, USSR) is one of my most favourite Soviet animation works.

Screenplay by Sergey Kozlov (it’s also him who wrote the screenplay for Yuri Norstein’s “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Ежик в тумане”, 1975) from the series of fairy tales about the Little Hedgehog and his friend the Little Brown Bear. They invent the magic land, Tilly-Milly, to which they ride off on the clouds with their common friend the Little Rabbit.

A story about friendship, jealousy, dreams, endeavors and interpersonal relationships.

For this film, Vladimir Šainskij wrote one of his most brilliant songs, “Clouds, the White-Maned Horses”.

Let’s sing it along once again, and good mood to you all. If you are only learning Russian, it’s a very cool must to add to your list.

Мы помчимся в заоблачную даль
Мимо гаснущих звезд на небосклоне,
К нам неслышно опустится звезда –
И ромашкой останется в ладони.

(We’ll ride off to somewhere far away behind the clouds, past the stars fading away in the skies. A star will land on our palms and turn into a chamomile.)

English title: “Welcome to Tilly-Milly-Land”, 1980
Original title (Russian): “Трям! Здравствуйте!”, 1980

First published in the Levinarium Telegram Channel (now closed and deleted)