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Little note for myself. #452 – August 2018

This is my usual personal monthly report.

This month’s main event for me: I ran my first half-marathon in Saint Petersburg (21.1 km). Is it about sports for me? No, it’s mostly a self-proof that we are capable of more than we do suspect ourselves. Who did this at least once will understand why one finishes such distances a bit different person.

Cities of the month: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Nakhabino, Peterhof, Helsinki, Espoo, Khimki, Serpukhov, Bolshevik, Dedovsk, Istra.

I taught Rhethoric, Finnish and English Literatures.

We organized a small historical and architectural event in Serpukhov/Bolshevik.

I had extensive Finnish practice with Nastia and Henry Linnalas again: I adore their patience while explaining the intricacies of the Finnish language to me.

I was amazed to suddenly have five-six days at the end of this month for some small trips around my neighbourhood with a rare  chance to think quietly over some future plans.

30 August 2018. — Nakhabino (Russia)