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Little Note for Myself: April 2018 (# 448)

This month was pretty crazy, but I survived. Had a lot of, mostly technical, tasks to solve, but mission is nevertheless complete.

I finally launched my YouTube channel and resumed my Stepik work, including filming the new material (Lithuanian, with Ariadna).

Filmed and published four “Videoscripta Latina”: Terijoki, Gorochovia, Coporium, Holmia.

Three public historical and architectural events: Terijoki, Gorokhovets and Koporie.

Cities of the month: Petersburg, Terijoki-Zelenogorsk, Moscow, Dzerzhinsk, Gorokhovets, Koporie, Helsinki, Stockholm, Khimki, Nakhabino.

Taught: Swedish, English literature, Rhethoric, Finnish, Ancient Greek.

30 April 2018. – Saint Petersburg (Russia)