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Month: August 2019

Levinarium, No.

Peninha (Aroldo Alves Sobrinho, b. 1953) – “Sonhos” – is the mood of this late August afternoon. Voce me ensinou milhoes de coisas.Tenho um sonho em…

Levinarium, No.

Former “House of Culture” of the “Red Proletarian” (“Красный пролетарий“) factory. Red-brick belated Soviet modernism with fascinating forms, 1991. Address: Russia, Moscow, ulica Donskaja 32…

Levinarium, No.

Ok, and now: music. Toni Dimitrova (Тони Димитрова): За кой ли път one of the most famous Bulgarian singers renowned for her thrilling hoarse voice.…

Levinarium, No.

Although Volokolamsk is famous for its Kremlin which surprisingly survived under the heavy WWII bombings, this little and not so evident jewel is also worth paying attention to. TheHouse…

Levinarium, No.

Classical orchestra, growling, church chants, dark German Gothic, punk, terrifically philosophic and sophisticated poetry, solo cello, electronic chaos, metal: Lacrimosa from Switzerland, please. Und ungehindert fließt das…

Levinarium, No.

Tango mood! Mgzavrebi (Travelers) have proven that the rich Caucasian culture can easily be incorporated into the international trends: mingling juicy Caucasian rhythms with jazz, folk,…

Levinarium, No.

Lavon Volski (Belarus) and Vasia Ložkin (Russia): two countries, two patriotisms. Вярні жыццё сваёй краіне,Яна ў сне халодным гіне.Give your life back to your country, she is dying…

Penny Skanina, выпуск

Latinitas urbana.Смоленск, Россия.Местная академия художеств. А вы помните, что входит в artes liberales? Вы-то, я уверен, да. А вот ровно для таких смоленских художников, эх, даже…